Friday, January 2, 2015

Happy New Year!

2014 was a wild ride.  I vowed to not be as busy, but somehow was busier.  I resolved to be more organized, but somehow my office was almost always a disaster.  I promised to be less stressed, yet somehow I had a few (ok, several) freak-out moments.

Yet, I met awesome people.  I witnessed several couples exchange vows.  I photographed beautiful children celebrating birthdays, milestones, or just because.  I laughed with families, chased after toddlers, and snuggled crying newborns.  Yes, 2014 was a wild ride.  But it was a great one.

Looking at 2015, there are a few changes that I'm making to Sara Bonacci Photography.

1 - I will no longer be photographing seniors.  While I love it (LOVE it), we have so many great senior photographers in the area, I'm going to quietly let this area go.  I do have a few scheduled and will, of course, photograph them!  But I will not be taking on new seniors.

2 - Newborn sessions are a life-style type session.  While I never fully got away from newborns, despite the fact that I resolved to (another broken resolution), I am changing how my sessions go.  They will be at your home and I will focus on the relationship between your family.  It's so important and special.  I still will take photos of your baby, but there will be limited props.

3 - I will no longer be doing photo shoots on Sundays.  Sundays are family days.  I missed out on a lot of family time this year because of squeezing in sessions on Sundays.  I can't do that this year.  My kids are growing too fast!

Not a lot of changes, but enough.  SBP is still growing, and I'm taking baby steps to turn it into the business that I want it to be.  My dad was a business man, and sadly, he is no longer here to guide me.  (Teachable moment - kids, listen to your parents when they're trying to teach you something!  It's important!)  :)

I wish all of you a wonderful and safe 2015.  I can't wait to see so many of you in front of my lens again.  I honestly love this job so much, and am so proud of how much my little business has grown.  I have big dreams for Sara Bonacci Photography, and I am so thankful that each and every one of you has been a part of it.

Hugs to all!  


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